Yeah, People Aren’t Going To Do That.

Why 70% of goals fail to happen.

Too many excellent goals fail because execution relies on people (aka fallible humans) to:

  • work harder than they’re working now

  • remember all of the things that they’ve never remembered before

The most important planning step is to plan for how we’ll make it:

  1. easy for people to do what we want

    • automate

    • remove barriers

    • share information + wins

    • incentivize + remind

    • clear ownership + decision making responsibility

  2. hard for people do what we don’t want

    • See: guide from 1944 CIA Field Guide for sabotaging Nazi organizations:

      • For organizations and Conferences

        • Insist on doing everything through “channels.” Never permit short-cuts to be taken to expedite decisions

        • Make “speeches.” Talk as frequently as possible and at great length.

        • When possible, refer all matters to committees for “further study." Make the committees as large as possible.

        • Bring up irrelevant issues as frequently as possible

        • Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, and resolutions

        • Re-open matters that were closed at the last meeting

        • Advocate “caution” and avoid haste which might result in difficulties later

        • Worry about propriety of any decision. Raise questions about jurisdiction and conflict with other policy


Align Incentives To Save Money.


The Gift Of Giving